SourceWhale AI

Maximize recruiter productivity with AI

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AI-powered productivity

Recruiters are experts in their field and possess an unparalleled understanding of their markets and – most importantly – the nuances of human relationships. However, they are increasingly forced to waste time on non-revenue generating activity, resulting in low productivity and missed opportunities. SourceWhale AI takes many of these tasks off their desks, freeing them to focus on the things they do best.

SourceWhale AI is a suite of features and functionality that use AI to help recruiters in two key areas:


Sourcewhale AI’s Content features enable recruiters to harness the power of generative AI to create and improve their outreach content and campaigns.


Sourcewhale AI’s Data features run in the background, using AI to automatically analyse, interpret, cleanse or categorise data.

It will be a product that all modern day recruitment companies will HAVE to have in their tech stack.

Hishem Azzouz | Founder, Hector

Fully-formed campaigns
at the click of a button

Building outreach campaigns from scratch is complex and time-consuming. Campaign AI enables makes it easy to quickly generate entire multi-step, multichannel, best-practice outreach campaigns in moments.

Say goodbye to writer's block

With WhaleGPT in your corner, it’s the work of moments to generate and polish persuasive messaging for business development and candidate sourcing. This means less time spent agonising over the correct wording and more time booking meetings and closing revenue.

Your personal email coach

With email deliverability becoming more difficult, email quality is becoming more and more important. Content Coach assesses your messaging and provides data-driven recommendations to enhance your outreach efforts – from wording and subject lines to custom variables, reading time and avoiding spam phrases.

Less time fixing data,
more time recruiting

Smart AI-powered data features work in the background to help consultants save time and do their jobs better. SourceWhale reads, understands and tags responses to your outreach, identifies “not interested” reasons, purges irrelevant data from contact imports, and many more clever things – freeing recruiters to do the parts of the job they love.

Transcription & AI summaries

Revisit every important detail of your calls with full call transcriptions—no more scrambling to take notes during conversations.

Additionally, quickly grasp the key points of your calls with SourceWhale’s AI-generated summaries, ensuring you never miss a critical insight.

Let's have a chat

SourceWhale is the only platform recruiting teams need to execute their daily recruiting activities, find pipeline insights and nurture relationships at scale – all from a single place.